When doing online surveys to earn some small cash, you may find yourself being "disqualified" or "not a match" in some cases. You may not understand the reason behind it. So here are some tips for you to get more chance to be "qualified".
1. SURVEY QUESTION: "Do you or your relatives work in the following industries?"
It's a question to eliminate the "conflict of interests". For example, if the survey is about banks and you are working for a certain bank, your participation in the survey shall be considered "biased" and unfair.
Therefore, if you tick YES for the above question, you would be likely to be disqualified for the survey.
2. SURVEY QUESTION: "Have you participated in any survey about ... during the past three months?"
Interesting enough. There are many survey providers in the world, and they dont want to see a person to take part in surveys of the same topic repeatedly.
Also therefore, if you tick YES for the above question, you would be likely to be disqualified for the survey.
3. SURVEY QUESTION: "Your age?"
We all understand that privacy is important to us. But most surveys need the participators of specific age group. If they dont know your age, then you will be disqualified.
However, it's not neccesary to declare you true age, but a little fluctuating so that you can be a good match. For example, if the target age range is 30-40 years old, but you are 29 years old, don't hesitate to declare that you at 30.
You can ask for more by leaving a message at:
Below are some reliable paid survey providers:
* Min payment: 1 USD
* Payment Method: Paypal
* Languages: English, others
* Register now: https://www.points2shop.com?ref=tvdanh
* Payment Method: #Paypal
* Min payment threshold: US$ 6.25
* Languages: English and others
* Register now: https://www.mobrog.com/en/paid-online-surveys/sign-up-england.html?membership_promotion=0&i_invite=9017488-5d2dc2d165939
* Payment Methods: #Paypal, Gift cards and others
* Payment threshold: roughly US$ 2
* Available languages: English and other
* Register Now: https://us.toluna.com/referral/DanTan